Timely and correct corporate income tax returns, with proper tax planning, are key to mitigating CRA audits and keeping your business after tax cash flows predictable and maximizing your after tax cash flows. We provide service to create an effective tax plan and prepare and e-file the necessary Canadian corporate income tax and information returns for the business.  We also support CRA audits by working with the business to gather and submit the requested information, and co-ordinate communication with tax lawyers where needed. For over 40 years, our CPA – CA Chartered Professional Accountants and Charted Accountants Accounting Firm in Edmonton has aimed to provide the best income tax, accounting, financial statement assurance, and business consulting advisory services to our clients.

Your CPA in Edmonton should have the skill set in many complex areas. Our firm of Edmonton Accountants and Edmonton Tax Accountants as well as being Business CPA’s, are well equipped to integrate complex Income Tax, Accounting, and Financial Statement Assurance needs to our clients. Being an Alberta CPA, we have strict professional responsibilities to keep up to date on the latest changes which may affect your Business and Personal Finances. Talk to us today for a complimentary consultation.